Yellow Tail Wine Cabernet Sauvignon

You might have seen the ads on TV for Yellow Tail wine.  “go-to…  house party.  I’ll have… the yellow tail.”

Aimed at the younger upscale adult, this wine is currently very popular and easy to find.

Well, let’s give it a try…  I’ll have the Yellow Tail.  Specifically, a non-vintage Cabernet Sauvignon from Casella Wines, Australia.

Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon Review

In the glass the Yellow Tail wine had good legs and a strong nose.  I thought I picked up an aroma of spice as well.

It started off with what I would call a smooth dark taste that I really enjoyed.

The finish on the first sip was great.  And then….  things changed.

I noticed after the Yellow Tail wine had a chance to breathe that the finish changed.  It became more and more dry and and you could taste the alcohol.

It became a wine of two parts.  The sip remained great.  Actually the first few seconds of every sip was really enjoyable.  But then, (here’s part two) as the wine circulated on the palate and was swallowed, that dry not-so-great finish would occur.

As I finished that glass I thought about how best to utilize Yellow Tail wine.  I think it would work OK with food with strong flavors.  Perhaps pizza or pasta with a heavy tomato sauce.  It might even work with a strong blue cheese.

All in all, it wasn’t my favorite and I can’t really recommend it on it’s own as a sipping wine.  But, taste in wine is a personal thing, so give it a try and decide for yourself.

It’s certainly a good value and the company has a great story.

Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon price about $6.99.

If you like white wines, a better Yellow Tail wine choice is their Moscato.  Check out my review of that wine.

Sticking with reds, I also reviewed the Yellow Tail Merlot which I liked better.


  1. We had this wine last night and were very disappointed. The wine tasted like hot sauce had been added and the label said it contained sulfites which I hate. Won’t be buying again and will probably return the extra bottle.

    1. Yikes, hot sauce and sulfites… Not good.

      Thanks for sharing your experience and taking the time to comment, Carol.

      Here’s hoping your next bottle of wine treats you better!


  2. I usually like the Yellow label Yellow tail wine. But decided to taste the red label today. It is disgusting. It taste like Jam in water. No wine taste at all.
    What a difference.

  3. For Christ sake, what are you folks talking about?!
    Peach juice, pizza…
    This is a Perfect Wine for red meat!
    Yes, it is a heavy wine, and it is supposed be such for heavy stuff like steaks.
    You guys just go drink beer. Or milk. And don’t mess with Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon, it is not for kindergardeners.

  4. I am not an expert at all. My husband bought this for us to taste wine for the first time. It was a horrible idea! It was $10 at the store and the bottle looked pretty. Sounded cool that it came from another continent. We opened it and tasted it warm. The fumes of alcohol were so strong and it was so bitter! The next day I put it in the refrigerator. This made the alcohol smell and taste less noticeable but it was way too bitter, kind of like cough medicine with no sugar. Want to celebrate oh lets drink cough medicine with no sugar, make sure its refrigerated so it doesn’t make you feel like puking LOL

    I ended up mixing a 1/4 of this wine (cold) with Peach-Cranberry Juice 3/4. It was now very sweet and enjoyable. So it’s cool for mixing but not on it’s own.

    Atleast Now I know what I am looking for. I think I would enjoy something less dry and bitter with way less alchohol. I been doing some reading, and I may fork up some money for a nice Icewine that’s very sweet.

  5. The only way to drink this wine is with pizza, they go hand in hand. This is strictly a pizza wine. That is how Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon should be labeled, Great with pizza

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